I've been on a mission to get fit & lose weight for a while, so when asked to review the Metaburn Fat Burners I was super excited.
The Product
Metaburn is a thermogenic formula designed to aid fat loss, it's multi action award winning formula combined some of the most powerful natural ingredients to form the most powerful fat burner on the market (when combined with a healthy diet & exercise) ~ manufacturers description.
The Ingredients
Green Coffee Bean Extract, Green Tea, Raspberry Ketones, L-Carnitine, L-Threonine, L-Tyrosine, CLA poweder, Capsicum, Chromium and Vitamin B1, B7 & B12 which have all been scientifically proven to aid weight loss.
My Results
To achieve these results was not without 100% effort, I stuck to a healthy diet (not exactly as downloadable eating plan but still healthy) and worked out 6/7 day a week (plus waist training, waist trainers available via Twitter & Instagram @gemwrightbeauty)
These are not like any fat burners I've taken before, I'm used to taking 2x tablets before a workout which help increase performance so was a little unsure if these would have the desired results.
This is NOT a starve yourself to get thin diet...you must combined a healthy lifestyle & exercise to achive the best possible results. Definitely a product I would recommend to people who are serious about losing weight (the safe healthy way) and not just a quick fix!!
The Cost
1 Month (60 caps) = £39.99
2 Months (120 caps) = £75.99
3 Months (180 caps) = 109.99
Take A Look For Yourself
Hettie xXx